
I was invited without giving consent

20 Jun 2024
3 min read

We take immense pride in our unwavering commitment to privacy, a fundamental cornerstone of our platform that significantly benefits both personal trainers and their clients. Our website and platform are meticulously designed to communicate our strong dedication to safeguarding user privacy.

Explicit Permission

It's clearly stated that personal trainers must not invite clients or collect their sensitive personally identifiable information (PII) without first obtaining explicit permission. This requirement ensures that all data sharing and interactions are consensual and transparent, maintaining the trust and security of our users.

Unsolicited Invites

If you have received an invitation to the Workout Titan platform without having given explicit consent to your personal trainer or without understanding the reason for the invitation, we find this practice unacceptable. We take unsolicited invites very seriously and are committed to addressing such issues promptly and effectively.

Should you be dissatisfied with an unsolicited invite, you have the option to flag your Workout Titan account for deletion through the "Manage Account" page on our web platform or companion app. For those who prefer not to sign into Workout Titan but still wish to have their account deleted, our help and support department can be contacted via the Contact Us page. We will also take steps to educate the individual who sent the unsolicited invite, emphasising the importance of privacy and implementing measures to prevent future occurrences.

Article 17 of the UK GDPR

It is important to highlight that under Article 17 of the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), individuals have the right to request the erasure of their data, commonly known as 'the right to be forgotten.' We firmly uphold privacy as a fundamental human right and are committed to promptly removing your data from Workout Titan upon request. For more detailed information, you can always review our Privacy Policy.

Our dedication to privacy is unwavering, and we strive to create a secure and respectful environment for all our users. By adhering to stringent privacy standards and regulations, we ensure that your personal information is always protected, fostering a platform built on trust and mutual respect.